Is this Queenie?
Ludwik CARSON Age 32Marital status M
Occupation Labourer
Departure 1 12 1951Departure port Liverpool
Destination port New York
Destination NEW YORK United States
Ship name FranconiaQueenie age 25 housewifeG Carson age 1 (male)
Last address in UK dittoed as C.P.R.O.
Details from
Passenger Lists Leaving Uk 1890-1960There is a male birth entry (FreeBMD) Sep 1950 Hereford
mn AYERSOn this manifest of in bound passengers (Aliens) details from
New York, Passenger and Crew Lists (including Castle Garden and Ellis Island), 1820-1957Queenie’s age is 34, so perhaps a typing error on above record
Ludwik CARSON 33 Poland
Queenie 34 BritainG R 1 Britain
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