Hello everyone.
I'm not exactly sure where to post this or what site I should be using.
What I'm trying to find out is where I can get the full details of a photo I have from when my mum was in Abergele in hospital. It was then known as Abergele asylum.
I'm not exactly the age my mum was there only for what my mum told me. Maybe she was told by her mum I'm not sure on.
My mum told me that she was in Abergele for 5 year's. Most of the time she was on her back.and had a plaster cast from her waste down. Up to half way down her leg.
Apparently it was due to a spine injury. Being thrown from a wheel Barrow.
The photo I have now I found last year. If I had found it before my mum passed away she would have been able to tell me what I'm trying to find out.
Some where in the photo my mum is in one of the beds. I'm not sure where.
It could be possible she's one of the girls nearest to the camera. There's one lying down and has a plaster cast on her right leg. Which is where my mum's was.
What I'm trying to do is find a clear copy of it so I can see if the girl is my mum and hopefully my auntie can tell me.
She as seen the photo and apparently her mum had the same one.
From what I can understand. My mum had light colour hair when she was younger.
So if there's anything anyone can help me with I really would appreciate it.
Thank you again for your time and help.
I got the photo off pintrest. And put Abergele. I didn't even know about the photo had any connections with my mum.
I just wanted to see what the hospital was like.
Thank you again for your help and time.