Author Topic: Elizabeth Stephenson 1822- 1897 has no parents (Northumberland)  (Read 2757 times)

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Re: Elizabeth Stephenson 1822- 1897 has no parents (Northumberland)
« Reply #18 on: Friday 18 October 19 09:41 BST (UK) »
Totally agree about Scots naming system you may find a birth or death for a Peter between 1864 and 1868  3rd son ..
so Thomas George 1868 could be 4th son named after a grandparent
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Re: Elizabeth Stephenson 1822- 1897 has no parents (Northumberland)
« Reply #19 on: Friday 18 October 19 14:42 BST (UK) »
According to google maps Kirkhaugh is approximately 3.5 miles from Alston (and when typing in Kirkhaugh it actually comes up as Kirkhaugh, Alston CA9 3BG)

Possible baptism:

Elizabeth Stephenson
10th March 1822
St Augustine of Canterbury Alston Cumberland
Parents Joseph and Hannah Stephenson (fathers occ: Miner)
Abode: New Shield

Possible marriage:

17th May 1804
St Augustine of Canterbury Alston Cumberland
Joseph Stephenson of Alston
Hannah Todd of Alston
Witnesses: William Todd and John Stephenson

other possible children:
William 1806
Ann 1809
Joseph 1812
Teasdale 1817
Mary 1822<<<<<<<<<<<<<< same date as Elizabeth so they may have been twins
Hannah 1825
Sarah 1827
Jane 1830

Offline Craclyn

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Re: Elizabeth Stephenson 1822- 1897 has no parents (Northumberland)
« Reply #20 on: Friday 18 October 19 14:52 BST (UK) »
If they married in Gretna in 1847 then it was probably an Irregular Border Marriage, so there is unlikely to be a normal marriage certificate. There is also a likelihood that they would be Non-Conformists so you may need to focus on Presbyterian and Methodist registers to find relevant baptisms.
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Offline kdsoph

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Re: Elizabeth Stephenson 1822- 1897 has no parents (Northumberland)
« Reply #21 on: Saturday 19 October 19 01:11 BST (UK) »
Can you please list all the information on these certificates.

BDM VIC birth
6649/1863  ARMSTRONG Elizabeth Anne 
parents  Elizab STEPHENSON / Peter    @  BUNI
This is Peter and Elizabeth's youngest daughter 1863-1889 who died age 26 and is buried with them

This birth certificate would ask for previous issue...the better to ensure that you have accounted for all children born to Peter and Elizabeth.

Greta thought Thank you! I don't have this certificate so will endeavour to get one. I am reasonably sure of the Armstrongs as I am a member of the Armstong Society and have had my tree verified. There is a gap between their births because Peter left for Australia in Dec 1854 and Elizabeth didn't come over until 1857. There may have been a child between the youngest 2 children but that doesn't affect the naming pattern theory much. Peter was the eldest son of about 7 children so perhaps one of his brother's had named their son's for him so he didn't want 2?

824/1890  ARMSTRONG Peter   
parents Elizth WILKINSON / Jno     @  Cambrian Hill
age 68
This is Peter Armstrong 1822-1892

8034/1897 ARMSTRONG  Elizth 
parents Unknown / STEPHENSON        @   Broomfield   
age 75
This is Elizabeth Stephenson herself 1822-1897 with unknown parents
Fordham, Armstrong, Blanch, Baker, Jackson, Clarke, Moffat, Wall, Heaney, Caples, Callinan, Hennessy

Medieval: Browne, Cooke, Scot, Bridgwood, Mee

Offline kdsoph

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Re: Elizabeth Stephenson 1822- 1897 has no parents (Northumberland)
« Reply #22 on: Saturday 19 October 19 01:18 BST (UK) »
According to google maps Kirkhaugh is approximately 3.5 miles from Alston (and when typing in Kirkhaugh it actually comes up as Kirkhaugh, Alston CA9 3BG)

Possible baptism:

Elizabeth Stephenson
10th March 1822
St Augustine of Canterbury Alston Cumberland
Parents Joseph and Hannah Stephenson (fathers occ: Miner)
Abode: New Shield

Possible marriage:

17th May 1804
St Augustine of Canterbury Alston Cumberland
Joseph Stephenson of Alston
Hannah Todd of Alston
Witnesses: William Todd and John Stephenson

other possible children:
William 1806
Ann 1809
Joseph 1812
Teasdale 1817
Mary 1822<<<<<<<<<<<<<< same date as Elizabeth so they may have been twins
Hannah 1825
Sarah 1827
Jane 1830

Oh My Gosh, this looks really really possible! I will test it out! ;D :D Thank you so much! So excited!
Fordham, Armstrong, Blanch, Baker, Jackson, Clarke, Moffat, Wall, Heaney, Caples, Callinan, Hennessy

Medieval: Browne, Cooke, Scot, Bridgwood, Mee

Offline kdsoph

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Re: Elizabeth Stephenson 1822- 1897 has no parents (Northumberland)
« Reply #23 on: Saturday 19 October 19 01:31 BST (UK) »
Totally agree about Scots naming system you may find a birth or death for a Peter between 1864 and 1868  3rd son ..
so Thomas George 1868 could be 4th son named after a grandparent

I am thinking this through...
Their 2nd son Joseph was born in Jan 1854. 
Peter left for Australia in Dec 1854 and Elizabeth didn't come over until 1857.
So, Peter could have left Elizabeth pregnant and she had time to have a baby boy before she packed up and left in 1857.
Her arrival states that she had 3 children with her who would have been 1. John, 2. Hannah 3. Joseph.
Thomas George Armstrong was born in 1858 - perhaps he was a twin and the other died?
Fordham, Armstrong, Blanch, Baker, Jackson, Clarke, Moffat, Wall, Heaney, Caples, Callinan, Hennessy

Medieval: Browne, Cooke, Scot, Bridgwood, Mee

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Re: Elizabeth Stephenson 1822- 1897 has no parents (Northumberland)
« Reply #24 on: Saturday 19 October 19 02:11 BST (UK) »

May I also ask you to type up in actual info on these documents .... Victoria's historic bdm images are readily available to download via plastic card spends  and are as detailed as say Scotland's ....   :)  :)

While your comments in blue are helpful,  there is likely to be many more  actual details on those official records that will help the experienced RChatters whose understanding of Vic bdms will benefit your quest.  I am NSW centric and I am always in awe of the RChatters who have Vic bdm in their focus.


Can you please list all the information on these certificates.

BDM VIC birth
6649/1863  ARMSTRONG Elizabeth Anne 
parents  Elizab STEPHENSON / Peter    @  BUNI
This is Peter and Elizabeth's youngest daughter 1863-1889 who died age 26 and is buried with them

This birth certificate would ask for previous issue...the better to ensure that you have accounted for all children born to Peter and Elizabeth.

Greta thought Thank you! I don't have this certificate so will endeavour to get one. I am reasonably sure of the Armstrongs as I am a member of the Armstong Society and have had my tree verified. There is a gap between their births because Peter left for Australia in Dec 1854 and Elizabeth didn't come over until 1857. There may have been a child between the youngest 2 children but that doesn't affect the naming pattern theory much. Peter was the eldest son of about 7 children so perhaps one of his brother's had named their son's for him so he didn't want 2?

824/1890  ARMSTRONG Peter   
parents Elizth WILKINSON / Jno     @  Cambrian Hill
age 68
This is Peter Armstrong 1822-1892

8034/1897 ARMSTRONG  Elizth 
parents Unknown / STEPHENSON        @   Broomfield   
age 75
This is Elizabeth Stephenson herself 1822-1897 with unknown parents

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Re: Elizabeth Stephenson 1822- 1897 has no parents (Northumberland)
« Reply #25 on: Saturday 19 October 19 02:44 BST (UK) »
I will absolutely!

I just haven't found the time yet. As previously said, "I will endeavour to get one". I just wanted to reply as soon as possible as all the information and clues you have all provided me with are so exciting.
FYI: I hadn't thought of acquiring the children's death certs in the past as Elizabeth's Death Certificate states parents 'unknown' and I have had the tree verified by the Armstrong Society. It wasn't until now that the children's names have come into question. My Ancestor is her eldest son John so I will start with his.

Fordham, Armstrong, Blanch, Baker, Jackson, Clarke, Moffat, Wall, Heaney, Caples, Callinan, Hennessy

Medieval: Browne, Cooke, Scot, Bridgwood, Mee

Offline majm

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Re: Elizabeth Stephenson 1822- 1897 has no parents (Northumberland)
« Reply #26 on: Saturday 19 October 19 03:05 BST (UK) »
 :)  There must be something on Elizabeth's D.C. that has caused the index to record STEPHENSON for her father's surname.  I think 'UNKNOWN' is for her father's given name, and I think the index is simply indicating that the document does not provide info for her mother's given or nee names.

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