Here are some other lines from page 2 of the will that are problematic:
3. nominated to be myne Executor. Item I give unto the Said Rebecca
4. Pemberton
?? all the
?? and
?? in the
? ??
5. Chest ?? remayning in the house of my Cozen Richard Knight
6. the parrifh of
?den? in the County of Kent, the
?? and
?? and
?peweter th? to be delivered unto the Said Rebecca
8. within two years after my Deceafe, if she fo long live, And if she
22. Silver spoons, one fether bedd and Bolster A Blankett and
23. to bee Delivered unto him when hee shall accomplifh the age of eighteen
24. years. Also I give unto Edward Payne Sonne of my daughter Ffrances
25. Deceased the like fome of Ten pounds of lawfull englifh money
26. to bee paid unto him when hee shall accomplifh the age of one and
27. Twenty years. More I give unto the Said Edward Payne one
28. fether Bedd and Bolfter, A Blankett, A
A paire
31. Colvill Before named ffive pounds of lawfull englifh money to
32. bee paid unto him within one yeare after my Deceafe. (this I give
33. him over and above the former legacy of ffive pounds,
?if that fall?34. unto him) The reft of my goods Chattells and Creditts unbequeathed
35. (my Debts and Legacies paid and
?pformed?, and my funerall expenfes
36. Difcharged) I give and bequeath unto my Sonne William Giles
37. Whome I doe make The Executor of this my laft will, and so
38. Require him by that Bond of Duty by which A Childe is Bound unto
39. His parent that hee bee Carefull and faithfull in the Due pformance
40. of this my will.
? But if my Sonne William Giles Shall refufe to
41. Take the Executorshipp of this my will upon him or Shall neglect to
?probeit? in due mannor and forme of
?laws above? the
?? of three