Advice Please, I am finding this family group overwhelming… am I on the correct path?
1841 Census Piece:710 Book:15 Folio:58 Page Number:33
Jos Lepyeat
Lousia Lepyeat
Ellen Lepyeat
Rebecca Lepyeat
1851 Census Piece:1524 Folio: 673 Page Number: 13
James Lipyeate
Louisa Lipyeate
Catherine Lipyeate
Rebecca Lipyeat
Charles Lipyeat
Edward Lipyeat
Emma Lipyeat
William Lipyeat
Charlotte Lipyeat
The children above on the GRO all have mother’s maiden name as LEWIS
The only marriage I can find is a marriage between a Louisa Lewis and a James Alexander Lipyeat
I then found another lot of children’s baptism certs for these parents:
Louisa Letitia Lipyeat 1828
Joseph Lipyeat 1834
James Lipyeat 1837
William Robert Lipyeat 1848
James William Lipyeat1868
On these five baptism certs the father is listed as
James Alexander Lipyeat but on the previous eight children’s baptism cert’s the father is listed as just
James Lipyeat.
I have searched the census looking for other maybe’s families but non to be found. Plus other ancestry trees have extra, different children’s names in their tree?
Are these two separate families or just one, this is an awful lot of children?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
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