There are several Hugh Higgins in the various census papers. However I am trying to find a Hugh which ticks the boxes.
I believe he died in New York because family lore tells us a communication arrived from New York (and mention was made of a place in NY with a funny name?)
I believe he had no children (well, definitely no son). I have found a possible wife, Catherine Kelly Higgins and she and Hugh Higgins had William born and died in 1886 and a daughter Catherine born and died in 1886. I thought they were twins but another reference has Catherine born and died in 1888. Both in Manhattan. Then there is a Mary Ellen Higgins born about 1888 died 18 Nov 1889 age 1.
Hugh, born in 1838 in Ireland, would have been a first time father at 48 years of age.
NY census 1925 has a Catherine Higgins, maiden name Kelly, widow, est. birth 1843, widow age 82.
My Higgins aunt in NZ remembers the letter arriving from NY when she was a young girl, and she was born in 1914, so I believe Hugh must have died some time after 1914. But I can't find a death certificate between 1914 and say, 1928. (They do have a gene which encourages longevity). I could not find a marriage certificate either but I don't have access to all the big guns.
Any further ideas would be appreciated.
Thank you