Hi All,
If you're researching railway workers, do please have a look at the 'Railway Work, Life & Death' project's free resources.
We're a volunteer-driven project, transcribing or summarising the records relating to accidents to railway workers in the UK and Ireland, from the late 1880s to the Second World War.
You can search our database - so far (at January 2020) containing around 6,500 cases, but with perhaps another 60,000 to come in the future - and there are other resources, including a weekly blog going into some of the cases in more detail.
www.railwayaccidents.port.ac.ukWe're working with teams of volunteers at the National Railway Museum, the Modern Records Centre at the University of Warwick, and The National Archives - and we'd very much like to thank them for their hard work! They are making available hard to find records.
We always like hearing from you if you find an ancestor in our records, so do please get in touch.
Happy searching!