On the 1911 census my grandmother states that she has given birth to 5 children born alive of which only 3 were still living. I've managed to trace one of the children that had died as she was interred in the same grave as my gmother and gfather but oddly the other child wasn't listed.
I'm struggling to find the other child as I don't have a first name, birth or death date. I have the parent as Thomas Jackson and Mary Ellen Jackson (nee Brown) and a time period of between 1901 to 1911. As the child died prior to 1911, the indexes do not have the mother's surname and the baptism records for the church aren't digital.
By looking at the death indexes I have come up with approx 150 potential names which fit the potential registration districts, and time period Can some one point me in the right direction as my next steps to narrow down the list.