Good afternoon. Since my last post, I have been (fairly relentlessly) trying to locate my ancestor 'Robert Weaver' based in Bethnal Green/Whitechapel/Mile End etc. I have traced him through the his marriage/births of children and can locate him as follows;
1810 - Christ Church Spitalfields - Marriage to Susannah Cooper
1811 - St Luke, Bethnal Green - Birth of daughter Sarah
1815- St Matthew Bethnal Green - Birth of son James
1819 - Stepney - Birth of daughter - Susan
1827 - Bethnal Green - Birth of son Henry (my direct ancestor)
On some of the records he gives his name as Robert and others he gives his name as Henry Robert. He is named as father on all of his children's marriage certificates but neither he, or Susan are present. At Henry's marriage in 1859, he is noted as deceased.
I can not find Susan on the 1841 census. I find a Robert Weaver on the census at the workhouse in Southwark, Mint Street. Additionally, I have found a record of a Robert Weaver on a voters list of 1833, where Court Street is named as the address. I can find no birth record that matches. I can find a death record in 1842, similarly in Southwark.
Henry, aged 15 is on the 1841 census as a whip makers apprentice. James; who married late in 1841 and gives Thomas Street as his address at the time, is nowhere to be seen.
I have searched extensively for a birth record that matches (or doesn't end up with someone completely different as the record goes on). I just wondered if there was any other course of action I could take? Looks like they lived in real poverty, with Henry's Ann, living in the notorious Flower and Dean Street before they married and then Eastman Street and Dunk Street thereafter.
I am disheartened by hitting a brick wall when everything else was relatively clear up to that point.

You would think the name Weaver would be pretty easy. ::)I just wish I was able to push on and find out when Robert (or Henry Robert) was born. Any pointers or tips would be gratefully received.
Many thanks.