« Reply #15 on: Sunday 24 May 20 14:54 BST (UK) »
Obviously we have no idea where he left from - Tate and Lyle - had a huge factory here in Liverpool and employed German sugar boilers - the word is here in Liverpool that UK imported a huge amount of POTASH from Germany - Hamburg to Liverpool - and used to stop at the Isle of Wight on the way - so a vast amount of Germans in the 1800's came on these boats - just to let you know how many Germans came to Liverpool - on the German Potash Coasters - coasters are Merchant ships that just go coast to coast - not deep sea ..in Liverpool they had to register the day they landed and have an address to go to - the German list is huge - have a look - sadly no Nauer .registered as MERSEYDIDE ALIENS
just rang my brother who books in the ships at Garston Dock - Nitrate of Potash = SALTPETRE - used in cigarettes to keep them burning - and Liverpool had a few Tobbacco factories - so that is why they came to Liverpool -Imperial Tobacco and Ogdens are 2 huge factories that I remember
The number of Germans in Liverpool is reflected in the number of Lutheran Churches. In my opinion, the Lutheran churches kept better bmd records than the English, Scots, Welsh and Irish churches.
The history of the port of Kingston Upon Hull on the east coast of England shows that during one year two million Germans landed and caught the train to Liverpool. Most migrants wanted to go to the USA and there were two reasons for not sailing directly. The reason being that German built sailing ships at that time were known not to arrive at their destination but to be lost in transit, thus travellers preferred more reliable shipping. One sad thing about the migrants is that not every booking Agent on the continent was honest and it was only when the migrants reached the English ports for the ships to pick up supplies did they discover the Agent had pocketed money for the full journey but had only organised travel partway.
Aberdeen: Findlay-Shirras,McCarthy: MidLothian: Mason,Telford,Darling,Cruikshanks,Bennett,Sime, Bell: Lanarks:Crum, Brown, MacKenzie,Cameron, Glen, Millar; Ross: Urray:Mackenzie: Moray: Findlay; Marshall/Marischell: Perthshire: Brown Ferguson: Wales: McCarthy, Thomas: England: Almond, Askin, Dodson, Well(es). Harrison, Maw, McCarthy, Munford, Pye, Shearing, Smith, Smythe, Speight, Strike, Wallis/Wallace, Ward, Wells;Germany: Flamme,Ehlers, Bielstein, Germer, Mohlm, Reupke