Hello everyone,
Have basic information from 1891 and 1901 census returns but struggling to find anything else on various members. (The 1891 census records the family as 'McNilley'). All marked as being born in Hull (though 1901 census has mother born in Westminster!)
Father: James McNally (born circa 1843)
Mother: Catherine/Kate (no maiden name - born circa 1850)
Children: Meira McNally (born circa 1874), Bridget C McNally (b circa 1877), John McNally (b circa 1880), Catherine/Kitty McNally (b 1881 or 1883. My great grandmother, married G W Pashby in 1903), Caroline/Carrie McNally (b circa 1885) and Patrick McNally (b circa 1887).
Any help gratefully received,