From the The Times May 24, 1910
The factory was at Bedford New Mills, Leigh, Lancashire, now demolshed, see Grace's Guide, JONES BROTHERS, LIMITED, Spinners and Manufacturers. Offices: 12, York Street, Manchester. Mills: Bedford New Mills, Leigh, Lancashire. Hours of Business: Usual. Specialities: Spinners and Manufacturers of Muslins, Lawns, Persian Lawns, Nainsooks, India Linens, Cambrics, Satteens, Shirtings, Twills, Drills, Herring-bones, Galateas, Carnados, Campanias, Fancy Ducks, Fancy Muslins and Brocades; Cotton and Mixed Dress Goods, Casement Dresslin Cloths and Velveteens; Handkerchiefs, " Mersilka," and " Alyta," &c. The above white, dyed, printed and mercerised. Also manufacture the " Selvyt " Brand Dusters and Specialities; the " Veluna " Cloth for Litho printing; the " Alyta " Motor Cape Hood Material, the " Solaro " Sun-proof fabrics, and " Aero " cloth for Aerop!anes. Telephone: No. 2860 City, Manchester. Telegraphic Addresses " Jonbro, Manchester "; " Selvyt, Manchester."Stan
You can see Bedford New Mills, on this map
Other than the obvious what on earth is a fancy duck?