Thank you for your message, i have contacted the Church Of Scotland... no reply yet, but due to current goings on, you never know if anyone is there to answer your emails.
i have also been in touch with my local paper, as they ran a story about the collapse at the time, we will see if anyone gets back to me.
I am surprised the locals who live around the church are not doing more, its been inconvenient for them accessing their homes, for the last year, and having to wheel their bins down to a road accessible to the bin lorry, there again a lot of East Neuk houses are second/ holiday homes.
frankly if i was living there i would be pestering the local authority to get their finger out and do something.
A petition might help, one of the reasons for posting this in the first place was to get it brought to notice, a year to rebuild a wall its ridiculous.
thank you for the message. i am glad people are reading it.