I am looking for the parents of Lens Mogens Julius JENSEN and Jane JENSEN who were in Grahamstown, Cape, South Africa around middle to end of the 1800’s.
Lens Mogens Julius JENSEN was born about 1834-1837. He was married to Susan Donnohue on 19 April 1859 (they were both of full age) in Grahamstown. They had 6 children all of whom were born in Grahamstown between 1860 and 1873. On their marriage and some of the children’s baptism records it links him to Jane JENSEN.
Jane JENSEN was married to Alfred Boxold BENN. There is no marriage record but connection references as above and her death records on 18 April 1874 in Grahamstown have her as a Jane BENN and reference to her age giving the year of birth. Somebody did the BENN family tree and that is where I got most of the information from for Jane JENSEN.
I would be most grateful if somebody could help me with tracing their parents. I have noticed that the names are mostly from Denmark.