Author Topic: Help with finding the origin of this newspaper article  (Read 371 times)

Offline amybethr198

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Help with finding the origin of this newspaper article
« on: Tuesday 17 November 20 15:01 GMT (UK) »
Hi there

Would anyone be able to help with finding the newspaper this is from? The article is about my great grandfather . It is from December 19th 1941. My family are from Hull so it may be from around this area. The article reads:
A Proud Record. To have seven sons in the Royal Navy is something many parents would be proud of, especially in a port like Hull. This is a fact, however, with the Baynes family of Hull, the father of which, Mr D.W. Baynes, lives in Hama's-terrace, Manchester-street. The eldest son, James, is 33, and lives in Wellstead-street when at home. He has been int he Navy for about 18 months, and before that had had experience of the sea since leaving school, sailing on trawlers. He is married, and has three boys in his family. Harry, aged 30, has also been going to sea since he was 15, and is now a leading seaman, having joined the Navy about a year ago. He was formerly a fisherman, and has a wife and two girls living in William-terrace, West-parade, Spring-bank, Hull. David, who joined up about 18 months ago, is 27 years old and lives in Scarborough-street, Hull, with his wife and two children. He has also been to sea as a fisherman. Twenty-five years old William is single, and before the war was in the Naval Reserve, being called up at the outbreak of war. He lives with his father. Robert (21), Patrick (23) and Anthony (19) also live with their father, Anthony was in the Merchant Navy until a couple of months ago.......Will Not Talk ----- All seven seem to be conscious that they are in the Silent Service, for although the have doubtless many stories to tell of the thrills and excitement in the battle of the seas only occasional whispers are dropped regarding their wartime life other than the everyday things which affect them most. William's convoy was once attacked, an aeroplane bombing them in the North Atlantic, and as a consequence he had to go to hospital for some weeks, and he was unconscious for three days. He is believed to have been in several other engagements at other times, but will not disclose any details. Altogether, says Mrs Harry Baynes, they seem to have been very lucky lads, and her greatest desire is for them to remain so. The father, who served throughout the last war in the Navy, and has had about 20 years fishing, does most of the housekeeping, as his wife died four years ago. He is proud of her being a good mother, but doubts whether she would be pleased if she knew how all her seven sons were away on the high seas. His three daughters, all working, assist him in the housework

Ive tried internet searching this but I've had no luck

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Re: Help with finding the origin of this newspaper article
« Reply #1 on: Tuesday 17 November 20 16:38 GMT (UK) »
Article on British newspaper Archive website or FindMyPast  - Hull Daily Mail 19 December 1941.  It has photos of all of the sons
Census information is Crown Copyright, from