Peter Flanagan is shown as being born 10/3/1884 on his baptism record in Liverpool, his father being peter and mother anna (should be Hannah) . but i cant find any registration of his birth, nor can I find any registration of his brothers or sisters, three of which were born in Ireland taken form the 1861 census William FlanaganAge15, John FlanaganAge11 ,Mary FlanaganAge9, Peter FlanaganAge7 bn Liverpool ,Thomas FlanaganAge4,James FlanaganAge1. I also can not find Peters marriage to Sarah Ann McCormack anywhere. They are recorded in the 1881 census with daughter Catherine 1yr old. For some reason he’s shown as Richard though. Any guidance would be appreciated in helping in finding the birth and marriage records of peter. I know his name has been spelt Flanagan, flannagan, then with a h in flannaghan/ flanaghan then flanigan andf finally hanigan which is frustrating