Compeiris Cristiane Broune and confessis ye sine of fornica[ti]oun wt nicoll
Bankes ye sessioun comittis yaime [1] baith to [remand?] quhill [2] they satisfie ye mag
istrates and find cautioun for yair [3] publick repentance conforme to
ye ordor
[1] = them
[2] = while = until
[3] = their
If you look further in the session book you will find further references:
page 94 (Sunday 21st June):
Cristiane broune trelapis In fornicatioune wt nicoll banks hir 1 day
This tells you that this is the third time Christian has been (found) guilty of fornication, as she is a trelapse (her third "lapse/fall", as opposed to a single case, a relapse, quadrilapse etc.).
page 95 (Sunday 1st July):
Cristiane broun trelapis in fornicatioune
continowit hir repentance for the 2 day
page 95 (Sunday 8th July):
Cristiane broune Trelapis in fornicatioune wt nicoll bankis
continowit hir repentance for the thrid day
page 96 (Sunday 15th July):
Cristiane Broune Trelapis In fornicatioune wt nicoll
banks hir 4 day
page 97 (Sunday 22nd July):
Cristiane broune Trelapis In fornicatioune wt nicoll
banks hir 5 day
page 97 (Sunday 29th July):
Cristiane broune Trelaps in fornica[tio]un wt
Nicoll bankis co[n]tinowit hir repentance for ye 6 day
At this point she must have been absolved, unless there is a very long gap until her next appearance.
Nicol Banks gets off more easily as it is his first offence.
page 92 (Sunday 27th May]:
Nicoll bankis fornicator withe Cristiane Broune enters
his repentance for ye first day
page 93 (Sunday 3rd June)
Nicoll bankis fornicator wt Cristiane broune
co[n]tinowit his repentance for ye 2 day
page 93 (Sunday 10th June):
Nicoll banks fornicator wt Cristiane broune
continowit his repentance for ye 3 day and was
*In other words was received back into full church privileges.