It's transcribed as 28 but I can't see the original to check.
Where was John before and after or have you lost him as well?
Milliepede, thank you.
(Pennines has verified the age of 28 by kindly looking at the original.)
When stuck, I attack things from different angles - I'm actually looking for a John Timoney (spelling of surname flexible) and the John 'Timiney' here on the 1851, aged 18, therefore birth c. 1833/4 is a strong candidate. It's reasonable to assume this John is closely associated with the David and, since the combination "David + Tim(o)ney" is really quite rare, I thought I would chase David and see where it led. But he disappeared!
I've found my John on 1861,71,81,91 (spelled hilariously wrongly every time) and he died in 1901. But I haven't pinned him down before 1861 and I need to.
I have spotted a Timoney/Timney family which uses David, then Peter, then David then Peter etc down several generations... it's in County Durham (coal mines) at the end of the 19th century... and on the 1851 census David Timiney is a coal miner...but I can't fill in the time-gap.
When someone's not visible I've found them sometimes in the Forces; also in jail...
Thanks for showing me the further Timmony lodgers, I hadn't spotted them. The John aged 24 in 1861 seems a little too young, but you never know. I'm attracted by the 1851 mcAneny/mcInany household because this surname is in family stories, so I'll keep hunting for the David for now.
D x