Hi Yvonne
It is indeed shorthand and looks quite like the Pitman New Era form I learnt in the 1970s. However I'm struggling to read it even though the writing looks quite clear

I wonder whether it could be a French version as from the longhand I can read St Hyacinthe and Comte Rouville which are in Canada.
I read the address as M. Arthur Germaine (M. as in Monsieur rather than Mr. as in mister, which points towards French perhaps), College St Hilaire, Comte Rouville, P.2. From Googling it seems this College in Quebec still exists and the webpages relating to it are in French, so perhaps it is French shorthand.
Can you read the last few words in longhand? "Ecole Saline Ecole commerical xxxxxxxxx P.2."
Sorry I can't help any further, but there's sure to be someone along soon who can
