« Reply #82 on: Friday 03 November 23 21:27 GMT (UK) »
FindMyPast Fridays has released a bunch of Westmoreland records which will be helpful for those with ancestors from the county.
As we know you can get errors in the original records such as one ancestor of mine said he was a native of Dent, Westmoreland, but it was far NW Yorkshire at the time and near the border of Westmoreland. Those very handy Barrington registers for Co Durham are good, as it showed my previously suspected Scottish roots as well as the Dent ancestor.
I have occasionally seen instances of Haverhill, Essex instead of the correct Haverhill, Suffolk due to being near the border of Suffolk and Essex.
LONDON, Coombs, Roberts, Auber, Helsdon, Fradine, Morin, Goodacre
DORSET Coombs, Munday
NORFOLK Helsdon, Riches, Harbord, Budery
KENT Roberts, Goodacre
SUSSEX Walder, Boniface, Dinnage, Standen, Lee, Botten, Wickham, Jupp
SUFFOLK Titshall, Frost, Fairweather, Mayhew, Archer, Eade, Scarfe
DURHAM Stewart, Musgrave, Wilson, Forster
SCOTLAND Stewart in Selkirk
USA Musgrave, Saix
ESSEX Cornwell, Stock, Quilter, Lawrence, Whale, Clift
OXON Edgington, Smith, Inkpen, Snell, Batten, Brain