Author Topic: John CHILD b. 1792 Yorkshire, 2nd Life Guards, seeking records  (Read 1052 times)


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Re: John CHILD b. 1792 Yorkshire, 2nd Life Guards, seeking records
« Reply #18 on: Wednesday 25 August 21 20:29 BST (UK) »
I think it might be worthwhile starting at the end - with the death certificate - to see who the informant was.  If it was his wife, then at least you'll have a forename as a starting point.

Doing a search on John Child(s) marriages brings up several dozen possibilities, and most of the ones I've quickly looked at don't give an occupation.

You could do a search for children, but again, without knowing his wife's name (if he even had one) its a case of looking at them one by one for the father's occupation.

I agree, it would be a good plan to make use of something we know for certain - which is date of death.
I think Death Certs. are about £11 by post - not a huge amount, but more than I'd want to pay out for a search such as this.

I'm scrutinising this John Child 1781 - 1848 primarily to see if he could be the father [married or not] of a Henry Child whose birth is most probably 1812 or 13. Problem is: the birth was At Sea. But there could have been a baptism on land, at a later date...

There are Life Guards in the descendants of this Henry Child, which is why I'm looking closely at John from Yorkshire. The regiment was only small (hundreds) and Child isn't the most common of names.

So I'm now wondering where John would have been posted, after he signed up on 24 Nov 1812.


Offline Jomot

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Re: John CHILD b. 1792 Yorkshire, 2nd Life Guards, seeking records
« Reply #19 on: Wednesday 25 August 21 20:30 BST (UK) »
The PDF of a death certificate is £7
MORGAN: Glamorgan, Durham, Ohio. DAVIS/DAVIES/DAVID: Glamorgan, Ohio.  GIBSON: Leicestershire, Durham, North Yorkshire.  RAIN/RAINE: Cumberland.  TAYLOR: North Yorks. BOURDAS: North Yorks. JEFFREYS: Worcestershire & Northumberland. FORBES: Berwickshire, CHEESMOND: Durham/Northumberland. WINTER: Durham/Northumberland. SNOWBALL: Durham.


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Re: John CHILD b. 1792 Yorkshire, 2nd Life Guards, seeking records
« Reply #20 on: Wednesday 25 August 21 20:32 BST (UK) »
The PDF of a death certificate is £7

Last time I enquired, this useful fast-track service had stopped...

Offline Jomot

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Re: John CHILD b. 1792 Yorkshire, 2nd Life Guards, seeking records
« Reply #21 on: Wednesday 25 August 21 20:35 BST (UK) »
Postings of the life guards here:

Ive just looked at his death on the GRO and its available as a PDF

CHILDS, JOHN  age    56 
GRO Reference: 1848  J Quarter in MARYLEBONE  Volume 01  Page 135
Order this entry as a:   Order Certificate of selected entry   Order PDF of selected entry 
MORGAN: Glamorgan, Durham, Ohio. DAVIS/DAVIES/DAVID: Glamorgan, Ohio.  GIBSON: Leicestershire, Durham, North Yorkshire.  RAIN/RAINE: Cumberland.  TAYLOR: North Yorks. BOURDAS: North Yorks. JEFFREYS: Worcestershire & Northumberland. FORBES: Berwickshire, CHEESMOND: Durham/Northumberland. WINTER: Durham/Northumberland. SNOWBALL: Durham.


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Re: John CHILD b. 1792 Yorkshire, 2nd Life Guards, seeking records
« Reply #22 on: Wednesday 25 August 21 20:50 BST (UK) »
Postings of the life guards here:

Ive just looked at his death on the GRO and its available as a PDF

CHILDS, JOHN  age    56 
GRO Reference: 1848  J Quarter in MARYLEBONE  Volume 01  Page 135
Order this entry as a:   Order Certificate of selected entry   Order PDF of selected entry 

Thank you.
The link you supply suggests that the Life Guards were 'at sea' during the required period (1812/13), which is encouraging!

I will send for that PDF, and report back.
Very grateful for all your help so far.


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Re: John CHILD b. 1792 Yorkshire, 2nd Life Guards, seeking records
« Reply #23 on: Wednesday 01 September 21 15:40 BST (UK) »
Postings of the life guards here:

Ive just looked at his death on the GRO and its available as a PDF

CHILDS, JOHN  age    56 
GRO Reference: 1848  J Quarter in MARYLEBONE  Volume 01  Page 135
Order this entry as a:   Order Certificate of selected entry   Order PDF of selected entry 

Thank you.
The link you supply suggests that the Life Guards were 'at sea' during the required period (1812/13), which is encouraging!

I will send for that PDF, and report back.
Very grateful for all your help so far.

I sent off for the PDF (Death Cert for John Child/s died 1848 Marylebone, see previous post) and have received it.

Please will you now help me with the 1841 census, to extract information? The indexes are unreliable and incomplete, and the writing can be quite faint, so I'd welcome another pair of eyes.

As you suggested, there was an informant, and this was MARY CHILDS, present at the death.
Address was 17 Boston Street, Dorset Square, Marylebone (Christ Church parish).

John Child/s was a long-term Private in the Life Guards, and it's reasonable to assume that he stayed on in London after retiring and lived close to where he'd been stationed.   
Boston Street (now Taunton Place) is next to Regents Park, on the west side.

Can we find any likely MARY CHILD/S in that approximate area, on the 1841 or indeed 1851 since she survived him.  Wife? Sister? Daughter? 

Thank you

Offline Daisypetal

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Re: John CHILD b. 1792 Yorkshire, 2nd Life Guards, seeking records
« Reply #24 on: Friday 24 September 21 20:51 BST (UK) »


His service records say,

Married:  9th December 1817

Unfortunately it doesn't where or to whom.


All Census Data included in this post is Crown Copyright (see:

Offline Jomot

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Re: John CHILD b. 1792 Yorkshire, 2nd Life Guards, seeking records
« Reply #25 on: Friday 24 September 21 23:39 BST (UK) »
There is a marriage of John Child & Elizabeth Kingsland on 29 Dec 1817 at Marylebone, but another possibility is the marriage (although so far I’ve only found banns) between John Children, & Mary Willmott.  Banns were called at St Marylebone on 23 & 30 Nov 1817, with the final one on 7 Dec 1817 making a marriage on 9 Dec 1817 a distinct possibility.  John was a bachelor otp and Mary a widow otp.
MORGAN: Glamorgan, Durham, Ohio. DAVIS/DAVIES/DAVID: Glamorgan, Ohio.  GIBSON: Leicestershire, Durham, North Yorkshire.  RAIN/RAINE: Cumberland.  TAYLOR: North Yorks. BOURDAS: North Yorks. JEFFREYS: Worcestershire & Northumberland. FORBES: Berwickshire, CHEESMOND: Durham/Northumberland. WINTER: Durham/Northumberland. SNOWBALL: Durham.


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Re: John CHILD b. 1792 Yorkshire, 2nd Life Guards, seeking records
« Reply #26 on: Tuesday 28 September 21 17:00 BST (UK) »
There is a marriage of John Child & Elizabeth Kingsland on 29 Dec 1817 at Marylebone, but another possibility is the marriage (although so far I’ve only found banns) between John Children, & Mary Willmott.  Banns were called at St Marylebone on 23 & 30 Nov 1817, with the final one on 7 Dec 1817 making a marriage on 9 Dec 1817 a distinct possibility.  John was a bachelor otp and Mary a widow otp.

Thank you for your fresh ideas.
It seems difficult to establish exactly who he married.

Do you know anything about the Life Guards? This is what interests me most.
Did, or do, you need any 'special' qualities or qualifications, to be accepted?

It has the reputation of being a rather elite small band of people (is this true?) - or was/is it just one among many groups of fighting men, and not elite at all?