Author Topic: John CHILD b. 1792 Yorkshire, 2nd Life Guards, seeking records  (Read 1051 times)


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Re: John CHILD b. 1792 Yorkshire, 2nd Life Guards, seeking records
« Reply #27 on: Tuesday 28 September 21 17:01 BST (UK) »


His service records say,

Married:  9th December 1817

Unfortunately it doesn't where or to whom.


Thank you for this clue, I'm grateful.
D x

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Re: John CHILD b. 1792 Yorkshire, 2nd Life Guards, seeking records
« Reply #28 on: Wednesday 29 September 21 00:25 BST (UK) »
There is a burial at St Mary, Paddington Green that could be a decent candidate for John's wife:

17 Sep 1843 Elizabeth Child (of) Boston Street, St Marylebone aged 50

Might be worth getting the death certificate to see what it says about her, particularly as death certificates usually described women as 'wife of' and sometimes also gave the man's occupation.

CHILD, ELIZABETH aged 50  GRO Reference: 1843  S Quarter in MARYLEBONE  Volume 01  Page 147

MORGAN: Glamorgan, Durham, Ohio. DAVIS/DAVIES/DAVID: Glamorgan, Ohio.  GIBSON: Leicestershire, Durham, North Yorkshire.  RAIN/RAINE: Cumberland.  TAYLOR: North Yorks. BOURDAS: North Yorks. JEFFREYS: Worcestershire & Northumberland. FORBES: Berwickshire, CHEESMOND: Durham/Northumberland. WINTER: Durham/Northumberland. SNOWBALL: Durham.