Author Topic: Tracing family- Born Turkey, was a war prisoner, went to Greece as a refugee  (Read 305 times)

Offline Londonderry

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Can someone please help. I am trying to trace someone who is claimed to be Greek, who was born in Turkey, served in the Turkish Army, was a war prisoner and then went to Greece as a refugee. I have tried to research this and i need help. I have the DNA of one of their relatives and there is NOT any Greek DNA which contradicts what information i was given on this family being Greek. I also am aware of Turkish Family Trees , where family members came to Greece and changed their surnames. I cannot get above the late 1800's or link anyone up as the names provided are in Greek.

If you actually 'are Greek' then how is it possible to be come to Greece as a refugee in the early 1900's? Does anyone have any details of the history in this area and time?  Thank you

Offline chrissiecruiser

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Re: Tracing family- Born Turkey, was a war prisoner, went to Greece as a refugee
« Reply #1 on: Monday 11 October 21 03:40 BST (UK) »
Hello,  a good friend of mine we thought to be Greek but later in life he told us that he was born in Turkey.
There was a Greco-Turkish war for years. People were expelled and re-settled over the borders.
This may have happened in your case.
You can google it.
Berg - Uppsala, Sweden
Bissett - Scotland
Butler - Yorkshire
Butt - Dorset
Butterworth - Yorkshire
Cave - Somerset
Darby - Somerset
Grierson - Scotland
Kruger/Krueger - Prussia, Germany
Lecher - Cottbus, Brandenburg, Germany
Levick - Nottinghamshire, UK
Molde - Schleswig-Holstein, Denmark/Germany
Oram - Wiltshire & Somerset, UK
Randell - Devon, UK
Savren - Dorset, UK
Weilbach - Denmark & South Africa
Williams - Cornwall, UK

Offline Londonderry

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Re: Tracing family- Born Turkey, was a war prisoner, went to Greece as a refugee
« Reply #2 on: Monday 11 October 21 03:42 BST (UK) »
thank you! ill google that  ;D