The couple were married by a Richard Gillow(I think thats the name).
That's definitely the right name. He died at North Shields 1853. Rev. Thomas Gillow, his uncle had been put in charge of the mission at North Shields in 1821. The new chapel was erected by a cousin of Thomas, Rev. James Worswick. Number of Catholics in North Shields was small in 1821 but there was a large increase during the elder Rev. Gillow's time and he called his nephew in to help. Rev. Thomas Gillow remained at North Shields until his death in 1857.
Sources: Catholic Record Society volumes 6 page 322 historical notes to Calally Castle, Northumberland and volume 16 "Lancashire Registers - The Fylde 2" page 575 in historical notes to Registers of Poulton-le-Fylde. Both sets of historical notes were written by Joseph Gillow, Catholic historian (died 1921), 1st cousin once removed of Rev Richard Gillow. Richard Gillow officiating at the wedding lends weight to my suggestion that the Tynemouth chapel was served by priests from St. Cuthbert at the time. On the other hand, the regular priest might have been away Richard Gillow filling in for him.
The Gillow family played a large part in Catholic history. They were from Lancashire and various members pop up all around my Lancashire Catholic family history.
5 first cousins of Rev. Richard were priests. 2 of his more distant cousins, grandsons of another Richard Gillow, well-known furniture maker and architect of Lancaster, were young priests in Liverpool during the cholera outbreak 1847. Both caught it while ministering to their respective flocks, one died.
A more recent scholarly history of the Gillow priests has been written. "The Gillow Family and the Growth of Catholicism in the North of England in the 19th century" MA dissertation by Rev. Peter Morgan, University of Liverpool 1996
St. Cuthbert's, North Shields has come up before on RootsChat, a few years ago. contributor, Mrs Barlow, has done research into St. Cuthbert's church and school. Links she posted are out of date. She was online today with a new topic.
There's an old book "St. Cuthbert's Church, North Shields: Some Account of the Foundation and Early History" published by St. Cuthbert's 1902.