Regarding the Dockers getting a days work
both my Grandads were Dockers
Grandad Anson a Crane Driver and Grandad Oakes a Gateman
I don't know about other Docks - but on GARSTON Dock ( still in use and my brother works there ) between WW1 and WW2 there was a situation where men getting work were related to - or neighbours of the men who chose the workers - this caused massive friction - SO Garston Dock introduced a BRASS TALLY to EVERY Dock worker - the brass tallies were put in a box and chosen out of the box - this way there was no favouritism - to get your wages you had to produce your TALLY to get paid - wages were paid to Tally numbers - not names ....I STLL HAVE my Grandad Oakes Brass Tally on my house key ring - it is number 85 ..Grandad was born 1899 - so he would have been 31 in 1930 ... just a bit of info - and I would be interested to know if other Docks used this system or was it only Garston Dock ?? official name Stalybridge Dock