Hi, I have just been given a pile of post cards sent to a deceased family member during 1930-1939. Three people who write are called Nellie, Phyllis and Nellie but don't know who they are as no surnames are given. The only clue I have one Nellie has postal mark from maccelsfield and writes to say her sisters daughter is getting married on Sat and Phyllis and Nellie are bridesmaides would my relative like to go and see them. If I could find out who is getting married the surname might help to unlock a link to these people. the post card was dated 15th April 1938, the wedding was going to be on the saturday. The wedding iwas going to be at Northwood Church in Hanley Stoke-on-trent. Is it possible to trace a wedding by date only, when i try it just asks for names. Thanks Helen.