In the 1851 census, Michael (builder's labourer) is living in Dickson's Close, Edinburgh, with a wife, Mary, and a daughter, Mary. Both Marys were born in Edinburgh.
In the 1861 census, Michael (labourer) is still living in Dickson's Close with a wife, Ann, and four children.
In 1871. Michael (fish dealer) is living in Cant's Close, Edinburgh, with his children. He is now a widower.
You should register with ScotlandsPeople, which has all the Scottish statutory certificates. You have to buy credits to view the actual certificates, but it is not very expensive. The index is free to search. From the index, I see that Michael married Ann Murphy in Edinburgh (Calton and Bonnington) in 1855. That certificate will give you their ages, occupations, addresses, birthplaces and when registered, their parents' names and occupations, including mothers' maiden names and whether they were still alive, the name of the minister who married them, the religious form of marriage, where the ceremony took place and the names of the two witnesses. If, as it seems, it was a second marriage for Michael, it will tell you how many children he had by his previous marriage. All for an investment of £1.50!