Author Topic: GEDCOM  (Read 785 times)

Offline Gadget

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« Reply #9 on: Sunday 01 May 22 11:21 BST (UK) »
Good luck!

I'm not sure that exchanging Gedcoms will really do what you want, if I've understood correctly  what you want. I would have thought that you might put your trees on something like Wikitree, etc.

or other sites which come up in this Google search

I've not used any of these  and use Ancestry (attached to my DNA) and keep my main tree(s) on my computer using Family Historian software.

Although I have a rudimentary tree on My Heritage, I don't use it very often as I don't like the software they use.

Maybe I've misunderstood and you know who the group of people with whom you want to share trees and are in easy contact.

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Offline RJ_Paton

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« Reply #10 on: Sunday 01 May 22 13:15 BST (UK) »
I am totally confused about gedcom.

As said by others Gedcom itself is simply a means of transferring information from one program to another so that the information can be presented in a readable format similar to or exactly like the original.

I want other people searching their families to be able to see the trees I have created for me and my family, which are on myheritage. Do I have to do something to make the trees on myheritage visible to other people (including people not using myheritage), or does it happen automatically?

MyHeritage restricts access to any trees you have on there to people you give permission to. although other members of Myheritage can find your tree they have to contact you for access permission. It's not automatic.
Opening a free account on Ancestry may open your information to a wider audience if you make it public and searchable. Again it is restricted to  members of that site - Although you could provide the tree invites to people you wish to allow access without them having to take out a subscription.

The sites suggested by Gadget should provide a basis for some research but spreading the information about generally requires some assistance and action from you.

Offline Wulfsige

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« Reply #11 on: Sunday 01 May 22 13:15 BST (UK) »
Ah, I think you've hit the proverbial nail on the head! Great - and thank you. I'll take a gander at the sites you suggest.  :)
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