I am looking for some suggestions on how to fill in some (possibly) missing names.
I am researching Mary Temple, born in Frankton, Warks in 1616.
In 1642 Mary, her sister, brother-in-law and other family members were forced to flee Frankton after their house was was threatened by royalist forces. The last positive evidence I have of Mary is an archived letter written from her brother-in-law's house in London on 18 August 1642, describing the events.
I have been looking at another letter from the archive which appears to have been miscatalogued and may be from Mary to her niece. The letter does not have the name of the sender or recipient (just aunt, niece - and I know these were more flexibly used in those days) and is undated but there are references to some other family members (brother, uncle) which could match. To my untrained eye there are similarities in the handwriting, although that could just be standard early modern writing.
If this letter really is from Mary then it could help extend my knowledge. In the letter she mentions her 'dafter addams' and 'dafter whatams' which I have assumed refer to married daughters and their surnames. She also refers to other children - Edmund and Moll.
My problem is knowing how to fill in the gaps. I do not know Mary's married name, I have tried searching for marriages of Mary Temple in Ancestry but not found anything that seems to match. Although her brother had returned to Frankton by 1645, Mary could have married in London, Warwickshire or through family contacts in Sussex or Buckinghamshire, or other places. Without their maiden names or even first names or locations it is difficult to trace the daughters - Addams or Adams is a common name and Whatams seems to be a misspelling of something else, but again I have not traced it.
I would guess the date of the letter is between 1660 and 1665 - based on the existence of married daughters when Mary was unmarried in 1642 so 1660 is probably the earliest, and a name given in the letter of a girl who married in 1665 which suggests a latest date.
Any suggestions on how to fill these gaps?