Hereford Times 2nd June 1860
INSOLVENT DEBTOR to be heard before the Judge of the County Court of Gloucestershire, holden at the Shire-hall, Gloucester, on Thursday, the 21st day of June, 1860, at Ten o'clock in the Morning precisely.
RICHARD INNES, otherwise ANNIS, formerly of Linton, near Ross, the county of Hereford ; afterwards of Clifford's Mesne ; afterwards of Kilcott-hill; and late of Brookes' ; the three last mentioned residences being in the parish of Newent, in the county of Gloucester ; and during the whole period being a Hurdle Maker and Woodman (sued with John Innes, otherwise Hannis).
GEORGE PETERS WILKES, Blackfriars, Gloucester, Attorney for the said Insolvent.
Hereford Times 7th September 1861
INSOLVENT DEBTOR to be heard before the Judge of the County Court of Herefordshire, holden at the Shirehall, Hereford, on Friday, the 20th day of September, 1861, at Ten o'clock in the Forenoon precisely.
JOHN INNES, otherwise HANNIS. formerly of Newent then in lodgings at Huntley; then in lodgings at Newnham; then in lodgings at Mitcheldean, all in the county of Gloucester ; and late in lodgings at Staplow. Herefordshire, Journeyman Stonemason and Bricklayer, and renting a piece of land at Newent aforesaid, his wife being a Laundress, and residing with his family at Newent aforesaid.
CHARLES SMALLRTDGE. Gloucester, Insolvent's Attorney.