Rough translation below. French BMD Certificates are very wordy!
No 518
Neil MacKellar
The year eighteen hundred and thirty-seven and the third of October at three pm before us, Augustin Louis de Martinet, Deputy, carrying out the functions of Registrar for the town of Boulogne-sur-Mer, Département of Pas-de-Calais, due to the unavailability of the Mayor, appeared Messrs Alfred Stubbs, reading room keeper thirty years old, and Robert Lehor, joiner*, twenty-eight years old, both dwelling in this town and neighbours of the below named, who told us that Mr Neil MacKellar, Infantry Colonel in the Service of his Britannic Majesty, born in Scotland, sixty-five years old, widower of Mrs Jessie Barber, dwelling in this town, ( no other information having been given to us ) died yesterday at seven pm in his home, rue Wissocq#, No 20 –––– And the first informant signed the certificate after having read it; the second informant having said that he did not know how to do so.
*Or carpenter
#Upper part of the current rue Faidherbe