Thank you for the direction to the Beechworth reference.
If Ernest DAVIS is an interpreter he must have spent a good amount of time in....Hong Kong?...China?
He marries the day after arriving in Hawaii, (aged 38 years at 1912), similar arrival for wife, Mary T MAY (age 24 years at 1912).
There is quite an age difference between them. It might be worth considering that Ernest has taken a few years off his age, and is older that 38 years?
Where did they arrive from?
They have a family of sons, but name Ernest after father, is only used as second given name for two sons. And John or Robert after paternal grandfather?.
I think it is likely that Ernest has an earlier marriage/family........somewhere?
Witnesses were sometimes strangers, available to suit the purpose eg. clerk at the Town Hall. I do not think this would be the case with witnesses Mrs Cornelia S PIERCE....Dr W F M McALLISTER, available at short notice to be at the wedding.
Who are they?. You might suspect that they are known to Ernest and May.
Census USA Ancestry 1920
at 682 29th St Alameda Oakland California
DAVIS Ernest male 47y widower arrived 1906 naturalised 1911
father born England mother born Ireland court interpreter County
DAVIS Archie 6y
DAVIS Bernie 5y
DAVIS Aaron 3y 11m all born California, father born Australia, mother born China
BANKSON Carl F 69y arr. 1866 nat. 1872 born Sweden, mother/father born Sweden
BANKSON Anna 37y arr. 1903 nat. 1911 born Sweden, mother/father born Sweden
BANKSON Carl F 8y son born California, mother/father born Sweden
Ernest would not be raising the boys by himself. Who are the BANKSONs?