My Cousin married Thomson who's Mother was a Pascoe from this Line
The article was published in two newspapers in New Zealand 11 March 1932 [source New Zealand Past papers] Ive been asked if I can put together
the Cornwall Family...we have the story but not the Family lineage.....Oh and the Money "disappeared"
So far Ive been able to find Arthur James Pascoe and Rev William Pascoe ..appears their Father had five brothers
Briefly there were three brothers all Cornishmen who I believe were tin miners and left Cornwall for a better life.
Two brothers went to Melbourne and Ballarat Australia following the gold and the other brother went to Peru.
The other brother a Miner who went to Peru had a silver mine and became fabulously wealthy and the story goes that he paved the pathway to the church with silver when his daughter was married.
Sadly she died young and when he died the inheritance went back to England for distribution to the family but there was a missing link and it was never distributed we were told?
The Interesting bit here is that the papers from England were given to a Pastor James Pascoe who presented the paper to the family. I believe this was in the 1930s by the way.
Now he was a bit of a rouge and pretty smart and grabbed the paper off the Pastor or Minister and said I will sort this out with my lawyer
Nothing was ever heard again? The understanding I have is that it wasnt pursued by the family as they didnt want to be unchristian and worry about such things as Money?
If someone is able to help find Arthur James Pascoes Father and 5 brothers of Cornwall maybe something about the Pascoe mine in South America that would be wonderful...
all helps to make an even better story..
The Article reads.....23,000,000 Fortune, New Zealand Claimants, Auckland Friday
Mr Arthur James Pascoe of Christchurch expects to inherit part of a fortune of 23,000,000 which was left by his Fathers great Uncle in America.
Mt James Pascoe of the firm of Jewelers of Auckland said yesterday that he had not heard anything about such a prospective good fortune, but he would certainly make inquiries. His Family came from Cornwall, where the Christchurch family originated, he said and most people of that name were connected. He was in Cornwall two years ago and saw a house that belonged to his great-grandfather, so they were old identities in that duchy.
It is stated by the Christchurch Mr Pascoe that the existence of the fortune has been known for a long time, One of the brothers the Rev William Pascoe was leaving for Cornwall to establish the claim of Identity.
The death of the Women members of the family had made it possible for his Father and his Fathers five brothers to make