The clue is in the word "suggested". It's just that - a suggestion. How many times does somebody "suggest" something to you in everyday life but it's up to you to determine whether that suggestion is relevant or acceptable
Ancestry doesn't force you to accept anything. It's up to you to research your FH yourself and ensure it's correct.
I completely agree with Carole.
Hints/suggestions are all very well, a bit like seeing a special offer on your favourite chocolate which turns out to be no cheaper as it weighs less

However, to accept the offer without checking is not a good idea.
It puts you in what I call the 'Click & Collect' category.
I see no enjoyment in clicking & accepting hints without further research.
The thing here is, you've learned a good lesson, many don't, they ignore errors & carry on regardless!
That lesson will help you in the future & I'm sure your tree from now on will be well researched & more enjoyable.