have the actual registers on film.
You can only view them at a Church of the Latter Day Saints library, but you can search them for free to see if anybody is there.
Found a film on familysearch that has transcripts of the parish registers.
Film no: 504468 'Item 9'.
This one you can look at from home as long as you are signed in.
Free to register.
Having had a skim through it, I couldn't find the Acton Beauchamp bit.
The film is an amalgamation of various parishes.
Item 9, which one would have thought would be some way into the film, turns out to be right at the beginning! but it is for Acton Cantlow (I think - it's a bit difficult to read).
You may have better success.
It looks as if The Genealogist have the registers.
Not findmypast, Freereg or Ancestry for anyone else looking.