Something for you to chew over
Maria Joao Baptiste Benoit - born 1784 Nantes France - she married The Marques De Chardonnay the 2nd in London in 1814 - she died in London in 1836 aged 52 - they had 6 children ..
I am presuming Marques De Chardonnay is a title
and I am also presuming somehow related to your "Maria " Benoit ?? seems very possible to me ?any thoughts anyone ?
a familytree
Maria Joao Baptiste Benoit
Born in 1784 - em Nantes
Deceased about 1836 - em Londres, aged about 52 years old
Spouses, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren
Married in 1814, em Londres, to Joana de Lima Barreto Coelho (Parents : M José de Oliveira Barreto & F Maria Lima de Barreto Coelho 1790-1861)
I take it the Marques De Chardonnay name was Joana de Lima Barreto Coelho ...lets not forget the French Revolution 1795 - did they all escape and flee to London . is this why Maria Benoit became Mary Bayley ?? where they being hunted / hounded because of Royal connections ??
are you related John - you may be the King of France by blood
M Joseph-Denis de Chardonnay ca 1815-
M Constant Flor Maria Robert Chardonnay, Marquês de Chardonnay 1816-
F Angélica Maria Elisabete Olive de Chardonnay 1816 Married 20 October 1845, em Cedofeita, to Manuel Gomes da Fonseca with
F Maria Angélica de Chardonnay Gomes da Fonseca 1850-1927 Married 30 August 1866, na Capela de S. Miguel, to José António Godinho de Sousa Matos 1837 with :
M José Godinho
M António Gomes da Fonseca Godinho, em estudo
F Maria Godinho 1871-
M João Estevão Godinho de Vasconcelos
Angélica Maria Elisabete Olive de Chardonnay 1816 Married to Joaquim António Ferreira de Matos, Dr.
F Maria Celestina de Chardonnay
F Maria Luísa Emília de Chardonnay
F Joana Maria de Chardonnay