Welcome from me too

There are no births with that name in the 1950s in the whole of Scotland let alone Glasgow.
There are 5 entries 1940 - 1960
The only Glasgow entry is with middle name T*g*t b 1941 Tradeston (Glasgow) & a marriage 1962 Pollock (Glasgow), no death entry.
Although the index classes Glasgow as being in Lanark, there's a significant difference between 'Glasgow' & Lanark especially for those born in 'Glasgow'!
It may be possible to work out if the above is the same person by knowing his address & occupation, assuming not much had changed in the time you were conceived & the marriage.
You would need to order the MC via SP (scotlandspeople).
We don't know when you were born but if after 1962 then the above will not be the correct person.
How did you come about his year of birth, are you sure you have it correct as nothing seems to fit with what's been found so far?