We are trying to track down Dad's family, specifically his maternal grandmother and great grandmother.
His grandfather was Ross Webby, who was born in Nelson in around 1890, and died in Hastings in 1934. His death notice only lists his second wife, Rosann/Rosina Gleeson Webby, who died in 1948. However it never mentions his five children he had with his first wife
Her name was Rina Teakahau or Rina Teakahau Hohipuha. She was born in there;last 1890s I think and died around 1924./ The story is that she died from childbirth giving birth to her fifth child Eric Webby. Ross left to look for work in the Hawkes Bay area and one way or another left his children int he care of his Ex mother whose name was as far as we can guess Ruria Hohiupuha. Both women should have been buried in Otaki somewhere.
If anyone is familer with these names in the Wider Otaki region or the Hawkes Bay region, please get n touch or guide me in another diredctuin