This is going to sound very harsh, but do in no way mean to be rude.
You need to start over with your Henry Forbes Harding, it is quite clear from criminal records
that this was not the name he was born with.
His actual name is Charles Henry Harding, in criminal records born abt 1877 London, however
you now have info of him in 1911 give by MonicaL
He is in prison, born 1877, former Hotel Clerk - you know this to be true because he stole money-
but the important info is he states he was Born in Holborn, London. Holborn may not be the actual district that he was born in but is further confirmation he was born in London.
I do not understand about redacted parents names in Court Records, perhaps you could ask your friend for details so that we can also see.
When he married, he did not use his bpt name, so difficult to believe the information he gave about his Father. Have you looked to see if you can find the Father "Henry Harding" Minister?