In case this helps others....
when tracing burials of my grt/grandad (d1912 Catford) and grandad (d1950 Lewisham) I contacted their 'Lewisham Council' -where they had both lived/died.
The Council directed me onto their Public Library's 'local studies' unit which holds all burial records for each of their 5 cemeteries.
They were found to be in separate cemeteries ('Ladywell' & 'Hither Green') - (sadly) in 'communal unmarked' graves. (buried with about 6 others who had died same week -just one small statue for one of the others)
Fortunately I was permitted to leave them both 'non-bio-degradable plastic' notices (+peg). (+small glass dome of flowers).
(my own local funeral parlour (in Aus) prepared the notices (freely) -they use them as a temporary measure - but in my/'our' case - permanent)