I haven’t located them in a census earlier than 1901 yet. However, George Roy’s occupation in Birmingham in 1901 is “coal dealer” suggesting he had his own business. If the census is correct, wife was born in Herefordshire, the eldest child in Devon (about 1882) and the other children were all born in Surrey (from about 1884 onwards) according to the census. It therefore looks as if it was maybe only George and his wife and eldest child who initially ventured very far from the West Country, and the main growth of your family group seems to have been once they’d gone to Surrey.
People usually moved for work. I have a case where a family from Essex, from stock living there for centuries, moved to Godalming, then Lincoln, then Bermondsey and finally to Derby, always in the leather trade, so presumably following the work.
ADDED: I’ve now found George Roy, born in Corton in 1843, in the 1861 census in Bruton, Wincanton, Somerset, an 18 year old labourer on railroad. Of course the railways not only provided a great deal of employment but also revolutionised the way people could travel about the country to find work.