Sadly I can only see the deaths of Baby Robert Paul, aged 7 weeks death from meningitis , in 1938,
John Patrick born March 9th 1920, father a soldier,
that is a huge gap until their next child in 1928,
And John Patrick married in 1938
St Catherine Dublin,
May 20th 1938
John Patrick Singleton aged 18 years a labourer, abode 17 Coombe Street ? father John
Catherine Mary Phelan ahed 15 1/2 years ,spinster of Meath Street, father James,
very young to be getting married, unless one had to, and I see no child for them ,unless George John Singleton mother Phelan was their son born Dublin 1938 ,
Long winded this is when I clicked on the surname Phelan on the ancestry birth record it took me to a burial of Catherine Mary Singleton buried Nottingham 24th August 1987 , is this who the photo may be of the wife of John Patrick Singleton, incidentally there was a Mary Catherine Phelan born Dublin 1923