« Reply #1 on: Sunday 12 March 23 11:25 GMT (UK) »
Do you mean false in the sense that the whole document was a forgery, i.e not issued by GRO or a local register office (but looked like it was on an official form), or that some of the information supplied was false?
A registrar would not independently check that the information supplied by the mother (or other informant) was correct. So an unmarried woman could claim she was the wife of the father of the child. Or a date of birth could be adjusted so it fell in the 42 day time limit for registration.
Illegitimate children of daughters could be registered as children of the couple who were actually the child's grandparents. A married woman who had an extra-marital relationship could register the resulting child as that of her legal husband.
Berks / Oxon: Eltham, Annetts, Wiltshire (surname not county), Hawkins, Pembroke, Partridge
Dorset / Hants: Derham, Stride, Purkiss, Sibley
Yorkshire: Pottage, Carr, Blackburn, Depledge
Sussex: Goodyer, Christopher, Trevatt
Lanark: Scott (soldier went to Jersey CI)
Jersey: Fowler, Huelin, Scott