I can kick things off, for I can see a transcript of a baptism in St. Vincent De Paul Church, Belfast, for a Charlotte McGauley on 2 July 1923, date of birth was recorded as 1 July 1923, the parents were recorded as Patrick McGauley and Lizzie Clarke of 28 Legnavea Street.
To the same couple at the same address (working back) ...
- a daughter Sarah was born in November 1919:
https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/churchrecords/images/birth_returns/births_1920/01226/1510290.pdf- a son William was born in March 1918, note that the father's full name was recorded as Patrick Michael McGauley:
https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/churchrecords/images/birth_returns/births_1918/01290/1534556.pdf- a son John Patrick was born in October 1915:
https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/churchrecords/images/birth_returns/births_1915/01362/1561731.pdf- a daughter Lizzie was born in October 1914:
https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/churchrecords/images/birth_returns/births_1914/01397/1574661.pdfTo the same couple, but spelled MaGauley and with the address recorded as
50 Legnavea Street (though the informant was from 28 Legnavea Street), a son John Patrick was born March 1909:
https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/churchrecords/images/birth_returns/births_1909/01616/1647976.pdfAt first I looked for a civil marriage registration for Patrick McGauley and Elizabeth Clarke earlier than the above 1909 birth and couldn't find one, but then noticed a transcript for a baptism on 14 December 1923 in St. Vincent De Paul Church for an Elizabeth Clarke of 28 Legnavea Street. The baptismal record has the the comment 'baptized sub conditione', which in this scenario means that she was an adult convert with the assumption of any previous baptism having been performed by a protestant clergman. There is a further comment to say that Elizabeth married Patrick McGauley on the same day, 14/12/1923, in St. Vincent's, Ligoniel (ie. De Paul Church, Belfast). I could not readily find a civil registration for that marriage on the GRONI website, perhaps fresh eyes can.
HOWEVER, I did find a transcript of the St. Vincent's record of marriage on that day in 1923, in it, the groom and bride were recorded as Patrick 'McGanley' and Elizabeth Clarke of 28 Legnavea Street, Patrick's parents were recorded as Daniel McGanley and Sara O'Rourke, Elizabeth's parents were not recorded, the witnesses were a Maurice O'Neill and Rebecca McAfee of Legnavea Street.
One last thing before I have to head out for the morning. The informant present at birth of John Patrick Magauley in 1909 was an Agnes Keith of 28 Legnavea Street, a quick check of the 1911 Ireland census suggests that this household in Legnavea Street (house 14 as enumerated, but street number 28) is connected:
http://www.census.nationalarchives.ie/pages/1911/Antrim/Shankill/Legnavea_Street/171576/At first glance, I'm assuming that Agnes Keith and 'Skeath' were one and the same person and that with the mention of Clarkes in the household, this was Elizabeth's immediate family or other relatives. So, plenty to work with for you and anyone else reading. When I get back later, I'll have another look at this, if no-one else has.