I have worked with the DNA. However, no obvious match to this name shows. I'm sure many of the matches are of her ancestors but many of them are not linked or private.
I have little in the way of matching surnames with DNA matches but by concentrating on the LEEDS Method (among other things) I've managed to fit together a couple of interesting matches & I've managed to link up an adoptee to their mother!
https://www.danaleeds.com/the-leeds-method/One of my matches (11th highest) on MH, surname unknown to me with a tree with only parents names!
Matching me at 1.1% (78.62 cM) Shared segments 3, Longest segment 51.98 cM
Estimated 3rd cousin which would mean we should share gg g/parents.
I contacted the match who had absolutely no info. beyond the parents (not sure why my match took a DNA test)?
I set to work on finding an index of the marriage to give me a start with date/place as it's too recent to view online...or so I thought!
It was just prior to the cut off date, the couple were both in their teens, fantastic! :-)
Add...There was a bonus, the 2nd marriage of her widowed mother was on the same page!
It turned out the paternal side were possibly Polish or similar & had changed their foreign surname for whatever reason although it doesn't appear to be anglicised as such as it doesn't even begin with the same initial?
I was able from there to search back the maternal line who was my relative whose mother was illegitimate...result within a couple of hours.
It's worth remembering DNA sites can only give a possibility (of which there are many) based on the amount of DNA...
My match turned out to be my 4th cousin rather than my 3rd cousin.
There are sites which also help with DNA matching such as...
https://www.facebook.com/groups/DNADetectivesEstablishing matches may help find the answers?