Author Topic: Rick Question Please....Where does next of Kin finish and descendance start  (Read 2148 times)

Offline RickyJack

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Greeting to the group

The legal spin for next of Kin of the deceased:Before the disinterment License can be issued ,the wishes of next of Kin [eg spouse, Parent Children, Sibling guardian must be confirmed in writing.
Each Family member is required to
a. indicate their consent...and
b. note their respective relationship with the deceased.

In an attempt to establish the next of Kin, does this mean the descendants of all his children???
Where does Next of Kin finish and descendants start ??

Our Patriarch Charles August [CAL] born 1824 now has 1049 families directly descended from him

for starters we do not know and have never known CAL's Parents or his siblings ..CAL never had a guardian and his wife died 1878  also all his three Children have died and all of their seven children have died from their first son Charles family b.1867 and half of Generation 4 are gone also.

 Second child Emilie b.1866 from seven Children all gone except only  half of generation 4 left

 and 3rd child Fred all gone right through to  Generation 4

This question arose as our Ancestor followed the gold around the world 1850 never had contact with Family, Siblings or Parents...we know nothing seriously true about his Family and Origin....we dont even know his parents names, Our Family wrote down everything they knew about him in 1948 and started writing letters...we have now moved to DNA...we have Irish Scottish and English in the blood giving us about 12000 DNA matches each, so this question arose when suggested we dig ol CAL up and get a DNA sample directly from him ....[during daylight hours of coarse]!!! died 1917 then anyone that matched would be related to the question is next of kin Children just one generation ??

Thankyou Rick

Offline phil57

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Re: Rick Question Please....Where does next of Kin finish and descendance start
« Reply #1 on: Wednesday 07 June 23 09:14 BST (UK) »
Your post is very difficult to understand.

In general legal terms, next-of-kin is taken to mean a person's closest living relative.

But if I understand correctly what you are thinking of doing, the question is going to be better asked of the authorities whose application you need to complete, as they are the only authority who can explain what and who they will accept.

I would also suggest that you get some serious advice from a professional DNA genealogist about what you are trying to achieve. It seems to me that all that might potentially happen is that you widen the net of living descendants who have taken DNA tests, increasing the current large number of DNA matches that you already need to sift through and potentially research, whilst possibly upsetting the families of numerous descendants ???
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Offline LizzieL

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Re: Rick Question Please....Where does next of Kin finish and descendance start
« Reply #2 on: Wednesday 07 June 23 09:47 BST (UK) »
Is your ancestor Charles Augustus Laurence?
Berks / Oxon: Eltham, Annetts, Wiltshire (surname not county), Hawkins, Pembroke, Partridge
Dorset / Hants: Derham, Stride, Purkiss, Sibley
Yorkshire: Pottage, Carr, Blackburn, Depledge
Sussex: Goodyer, Christopher, Trevatt
Lanark: Scott (soldier went to Jersey CI)
Jersey: Fowler, Huelin, Scott

Offline RickyJack

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Re: Rick Question Please....Where does next of Kin finish and descendance start
« Reply #3 on: Wednesday 07 June 23 10:21 BST (UK) »
No LizzieL...not Laurence

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Re: Rick Question Please....Where does next of Kin finish and descendance start
« Reply #4 on: Wednesday 07 June 23 10:35 BST (UK) »
Berks / Oxon: Eltham, Annetts, Wiltshire (surname not county), Hawkins, Pembroke, Partridge
Dorset / Hants: Derham, Stride, Purkiss, Sibley
Yorkshire: Pottage, Carr, Blackburn, Depledge
Sussex: Goodyer, Christopher, Trevatt
Lanark: Scott (soldier went to Jersey CI)
Jersey: Fowler, Huelin, Scott

Online Ruskie

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Re: Rick Question Please....Where does next of Kin finish and descendance start
« Reply #5 on: Wednesday 07 June 23 10:58 BST (UK) »
Like Phil, I find yoir question, now struckthrough, difficult to understand.

As you are heading down the DNA route, I suggest that you get as many living descendants as you can tested. Upload your and their raw data to other sites to cover more bases. Ignore the ethnicity - look at the people who match with you.

Look at your closest marches, and matches in common with matches, for any clues. Contact matches in case they are willing or able to help you.

What is Charles’ surname? It might help people to help you, if you can supply some more relevant facts.

We are all in the same boat when looking at families in the 1800s - all ancestors from all except the most recent generations are dead.

As a place to start, do you have Charles’ marriage certificate? This should give his father’s name and occupation. From that you might be able to find him in a census or two, possibly with a wife and other children. Do you have Charles in any censuses?

Offline Mike in Cumbria

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Re: Rick Question Please....Where does next of Kin finish and descendance start
« Reply #6 on: Wednesday 07 June 23 13:59 BST (UK) »
If you're seriously suggesting digging up a corpse just so that you can take DNA for family history research, I think you need to give your head a wobble.

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Re: Rick Question Please....Where does next of Kin finish and descendance start
« Reply #7 on: Wednesday 07 June 23 15:57 BST (UK) »
An example from quite a few years ago.

A first cousin of my father died unmarried and no children. Both his sisters had predeceased him. Neither of them had married/had children.
My father was the 'closest' cousin, by residence, age and friendship ties. He was appointed the administrator.
No will was obvious. On instruction from the solicitor, my father and the cousin's home help searched the property, etc. for many months looking for a Will. None could be found.  As his parents and their sibs were dead, the nearest kin were thus the  descendants of the siblings of his parents.  If a first cousin had died, their children would inherit their share, etc.

Add = this Explains  legal def of Next of Kin in UK

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Offline phil57

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Re: Rick Question Please....Where does next of Kin finish and descendance start
« Reply #8 on: Wednesday 07 June 23 16:16 BST (UK) »
I agree with Mike in Cumbria. I didn't say so, as I suspect the proposal is likely to be a non-starter on the disinterment aspect alone, and the OP would likely be let down gently. But if it were achievable, the cost of DNA retrieval and examination is also likely to be prohibitive. You can hardly ask him to sit up and spit in a tube!

Nevertheless, I doubt it would achieve much more than is already "out there" anyway. With over 1000 families allegedly descended from him, there must be ample opportunity to obtain descendants' DNA and probably a number of tests in existence already. Any "new" matches that might turn up as a result of the proposal are going to be intermixed with the DNA of intervening generations just as any currently existing matches will be also.

The way forward surely lies in identifying clusters of shared matches amongst descendant matches already known and painstaking investigation of ancestry through available records, as Ruskie has suggested.
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