Hello everyone. Really great responses from all of you. Thank you so much. They certainly have given me quite a bit to consider and research further.
Thanks Neale1961, George William working in a prison (in Kingston) may come in handy as I did read online that if a person is employed by the government as a prison warden, jail guard or such, then he is indeed a 'Civil servant' as mentioned on George Williams marriage certificate regarding his fathers occupation.
Monica, thank you, yes I did find two trees on ancestry where George Wm senior had been married to an Elizabeth and I just located more....if it's him. It seems 'he' and Elizabeth KELLY were married on 18th December 1881 in Walton, West Derby, Lancashire which is quite a ways from Berkshire where he was apparently born- and the marriage was dissolved through his 'cruelty and adultery' in 1889, (according to the divorce papers someone added on their ancestry tree)..... so this was long before my George Wm was born in 1904 and therefore Elizabeth is out of the picture as mother.
My George William and wife Lily Houchin didn't have children so there is no-one left to ask however Daisy, you found an intriguing birth with George William COTTER with mother as Mabel Georgina!!
Many thanks for that, especially as the name fits, the father (eventually fits) and the precise birthday and place (Jamaica) is correct.
I also remember being told that George's mother was Jamaican, which Mabel was.
Yes a great find so possibly George William Sr WAS my George's father but only later added as father after Mabel and he married in 1918.
In the above mentioned divorce papers for the George William Cooper and Elizabeth Cooper nee Kelly, George apparently couldn't write and therefore his signature is marked by an X- so there is no way to compare signatures. I just tried adding the link to those divorce papers but my post could not be sent like that, I need how to learn how to send in jpeg.
This is all very helpful, many thanks. Kevin.