In my direct male line, ancestry gives me respectively 25 and 21 DNA matches for my 4xgreatgrandfather (born 1756) and his wife. His father and mother have 4 and 5 DNA matches, but they attach to the 'wrong' John Young, born and buried in the wrong year and place. My 6xgreatgrandfather and his wife get no matches at all. Also, my 6xgreatgrandfather's christening does not seem to have been recorded, or the record has been lost, or he was never christened (though the family were Anglican for another 130 years), or he moved there from far away (though the family were ag labs from 1841 and presumably earlier): I have 'invented' him from family names, a gap between the births of his siblings, and the small area where he married and died and his presumed parents lived. Everyone tracing the family gets as far as I have, but no one has 'invented' the missing ancestor; no one has (like Boris's 'get Brexit done'!) broken through that brick wall. Any hints, suggested explanations, &c you can offer would be much appreciated, for once through his unrecorded birth the line goes back to the 1550s.