Could somebody please give me a hand with a translation of the following latin from a 1217 Patent Roll?
I've used Google translate to get the gist, but the grammar in the result makes things a little confusing.
I think that Ranulf son of Robert might have had 5 daughters, 4 of whom are being released as hostages, while the 5th is still being held at the King's pleasure.
3 Oct 1217
Rex dilecto et fideli suo Briano de Insula, salutem. Sciatis quod Rannulfus filius Roberti venit ad fidem et servicium nostrum, propter quod ei reddidimus filias suas, quas pro se vobis et aliis fidelibus nostris obsides liberavit, preter illam, que est in custodia dilecti et fidelis nostri R. comitis Cestrie, de qua contenti sumus ut ipsa sua obses remaneat, quamdiu nobis placuerit. Et ideo vobis mandamus quatinus sine dilacione eidem Rannulfo filiam suam, quam habetis in custodia vestra, liberari faciatis quietam. Et in hujus rei etc. Teste eodem comite, apud Westmonasterium, iij die Octobris.
Eodem modo mandatum est Hugoni de Bailloel pro Rannulfo filio Roberti.
Eodem modo mandatum est W. comiti Abbamarle pro Rannulfo filio Roberti.
Eodem modo mandatum est Galfrido de Nevill pro Rannulfo filio Roberti.
Google Translate:
The King greets his beloved and faithful Brian de Insula. Know that Ranulf the son of Robert has come to our credit and service, because we have given him his daughters, whom he delivered as hostages for you and our other faithful hostages, save for the one who is in the custody of our beloved and faithful R. Earl of Chester, of whom we are content. that she may remain her hostage as long as it pleases us. And therefore we order you that without delay you may make that Ranulf his daughter, whom you have in your custody, to be freed and quiet. And in this thing etc. Witnessed by the same earl at Westminster, 3 October.
And the same is directed to Hugh de Bailloel for Ranulf son of Robert.
And the same is directed to W Count Abbamarle for Ranulf son of Robert.
And the same is directed to Galfrido de Nevill for Ranulf son of Robert.