Author Topic: Diary summary week ending 23rd july  (Read 1232 times)

Offline brigidmac

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Diary summary week ending 23rd july
« on: Monday 17 July 23 05:07 BST (UK) »
Hello all
I'm awake ridiculously early .

No dawn chorus yet ... Why not ?

When I officially retire I'd like to learn bird songs and be able to identify some ot them.

Today I'm going to look at a flat...
the one that I'm in is really tiny. single bed  squeeze past shower & kitchen living room not much bigger than a double bed .

 It's quite dark and maybe up for sale.
I've NOY been given notice but people with rooms in the hotel/house that is attached have been leaving and in April there were prospective buyers hovering around .Now there are builders in.

I'm waiting to be sent for an MRI  scan after April & June  dizzy spells .underlying condition vasovagal syncope will continue to be with me .ECG + blood tests all good so this is a precaution .it can take 3 months to get a MRI appointment. So it's hanging over me.

I have joined a writers  group on Facebook &  a whatssap & zoom motivational group   to return to the script about my long lost. Great gran who time travelled into the 21st century.!

I've got a lot of audio clips and videos but need to do a written version  before publication of a book  .
Originally it was to be radio episodes .

A bit too much going  on.
.not to mention premoting the use of Makaton sign language .

Roberts,Fellman.Macdermid smith jones,Bloch,Irvine,Hallis Stevenson

Offline Viktoria

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Re: Diary summary week ending 23rd july
« Reply #1 on: Monday 17 July 23 12:03 BST (UK) »
Best of luck re your home search, and admiration for all your activities.!
Keeping busy keeps us young !

Perhaps it is the rain but no morning bird sing for a while now.
Not even the Jackdaws,and Magpies, !
Fighting over the bird table whilst the gentle wood pigeons wait their chance.

Need to go to Bury , not much but want some stainless steel cake storage tins , some by PuriDabi I think ,I want at least 23 cm ,but they seem to be sold out ,prices vary wildly too.
b&w,or Homebase might just have what I want .
Son will look online .- he has an account .

Well  need to get  on , hope  all are as well as can be expected given some serious conditions.

Offline ThrelfallYorky

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Re: Diary summary week ending 23rd july
« Reply #2 on: Tuesday 18 July 23 10:35 BST (UK) »
Well, for the first time in days, it's not actually raining - my neighbour has her washing out, she must've felt deprived, not able to hang things on her whirlygig for some days. Got two loads waiting, but .... they can wait.
Threlfall (Southport), Isherwood (lancs & Canada), Newbould + Topliss(Derby), Keating & Cummins (Ireland + lancs), Fisher, Strong& Casson (all Cumberland) & Downie & Bowie, Linlithgow area Scotland . Also interested in Leigh& Burrows,(Lancashire) Griffiths (Shropshire & lancs), Leaver (Lancs/Yorks) & Anderson(Cumberland and very elusive)

Offline candleflame

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Re: Diary summary week ending 23rd july
« Reply #3 on: Tuesday 18 July 23 18:40 BST (UK) »
It’s been tipping it down today here , so no washing. It did let up slightly at school pick up time which was nice.
North East of England

Offline Viktoria

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Re: Diary summary week ending 23rd july
« Reply #4 on: Tuesday 18 July 23 19:57 BST (UK) »
Just wondered if you had any news Brigidmac ,such a long time to wait.
Hope you feel a bit better at least.

Ridiculous waits , my grand daughter is having to go private, I transferred some money today.
A complicated set of symptoms, but not much help and her records are at variance depending where she has been treated in emergencies .
How shocking that two hospitals say different things!

Rain rain and more rain , where has Summer gone?
Elsewhere it is abnormally hot.

Just had Butter bean casserole with cheese and herb scones .
A quite quick and tasty meal ,I have to admit I bought the scones !

Well ,must tidy the kitchen ,then a cuppa and will watch” Lost Dogs “ with Clare Balding .
Cheerio. Viktoria.

Offline Viktoria

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Re: Diary summary week ending 23rd july
« Reply #5 on: Thursday 20 July 23 17:38 BST (UK) »
Roobarb,!Rooooobarb !
Wherefor art thou Roobarb?

Hope you are alright .
Miss you and a few others too so hope all are well.
Not much happening is there really but in other parts of the world that would be a luxury !
A nice day here, moderate temperature and quite sunny .
Planted out some Hostas and Salvias,they grow wild, up to four feet BUT on the other side of the lane! I had to buy these!

Cheese and onion pie for tea, cauliflower and cheese sauce.

Did the pastry etc this morning, just needs assembling and some potatoes boiling ,whilst pie and cauli  cook. Then cheese sauce.
Hope all are well, look forward to your news ,our little lives may well be mundane but that can be a blessing.

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Re: Diary summary week ending 23rd july
« Reply #6 on: Thursday 20 July 23 20:20 BST (UK) »
We’ve been tidying today as we had a decorator in this week painting the hall stairs and landing . Very pleased with it. Then we headed over to wish grandson a happy 5th birthday. The years fly by!
We’ve had some strong showers, but also sun and a lovely rainbow.
North East of England

Offline brigidmac

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Re: Diary summary week ending 23rd july
« Reply #7 on: Friday 21 July 23 01:56 BST (UK) »
Thanks Victoria still waiting for news from Doc . Of course the strikes won't help waiting times .doesnt look like government will cave so we are likely to see even more qualified docs leave this country.

The paperwork on moving flats was all computerized and current landlady doesn't even have email + isn't answering phone.
I ended up putting my mother down as a guarantor which gives me better chance of approval.

Attended a zoom with an arts group yesterday and at least 4 of them have already learnt the Makaton signs to " bring me sunshine" in time for next Thursday performance.
+ I have been practicing in random locations with random people .. including the local family history great amusement.
I sign + let people guess the song but actually MAKATON  use speech if they can with  signs

This is the version I'm using to practice

Roberts,Fellman.Macdermid smith jones,Bloch,Irvine,Hallis Stevenson

Offline ThrelfallYorky

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Re: Diary summary week ending 23rd july
« Reply #8 on: Friday 21 July 23 11:20 BST (UK) »
I had a really useful, illustrated book on sign language when I had a student with a severe hearing problem - another one of my students had a deaf/dumb auntie, so was fluent, and her father kindly, hearing I'd been trying really hard - I often communicated almost exclusively via swift but accurate drawings, fortunately a skill I've always had - sent the book in for me, and I kept it to hand in my desk drawer.
Unfortunately, when I retired, speaking to someone I'd worked with, who was still there, who was having a similar problem, I suggested she look and see if it was still there.
My replacement had binned it, along with dictionaries, thesaurus, copies of the Bible, and Koran, the Jehovah's witness Bible, and other reference works!! Straight away. She said they were all no use!!
(I used to find the Religious books very useful when a student said that their Holy Book would not allow them to do something - hand it to them, and ask them to find the reference. They never could. [ I'd, by the way, read all the Holy Books, so usually could sort it out. Other Half said I'd read anything, even the label on  a sauce bottle - he was right] It always pays to know what you're talking about.)
Really wish I'd gained MAKATON skills.
Threlfall (Southport), Isherwood (lancs & Canada), Newbould + Topliss(Derby), Keating & Cummins (Ireland + lancs), Fisher, Strong& Casson (all Cumberland) & Downie & Bowie, Linlithgow area Scotland . Also interested in Leigh& Burrows,(Lancashire) Griffiths (Shropshire & lancs), Leaver (Lancs/Yorks) & Anderson(Cumberland and very elusive)